Prof. Dr. Semra Şardaş, Türk Eğitim Derneği (TED) Ankara Koleji mezunudur. Eczacılık Lisans eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra 1982 yılında Toksikoloji bilimi doktorasını Ankara Üniversitesinden almıştır. 1986 yılında Gazi Üniversitesinde Toksikoloji doçenti, 1993 yılında Toksikoloji profesörü ve 2011 yılında Avrupa Toksikoloji Birliği tarafından Avrupa Kayıtlı Toksikolog (European Registered Toxicologist ) unvanlarını almıştır. Gazi Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Toksikoloji Anabilim Dalı Başkanlığı, Dekan yardımcılığı, Marmara Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Toksikoloji Anabilim Dalı başkanlığı görevlerini yapmıştır. Marmara Üniversitesi, Eczacılık Fakültesinde Farmakogenetik ve İlaç Güvenliliği Birimini kurmuş ve başkanlığını yapmıştır. Prof. Şardaş, TÜBİTAK desteği ile doktora sonrası aldığı burslarla uzun yıllar çalışmalarını İngiltere de Londra Üniversitesi Tıp fakültesinde ilaç metabolizması ve Newcastle Upon Tyne Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Farmakoloji departmanında Farmakogenetik, Genotoksisite alanında sürdürmüştür. Prof. Şardaş, Sağlık Bakanlığı Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumunun çeşitli birimlerinde (Etik Kurul, Ruhsat, Farmakovijilans, KÜB/KT, Kozmetik Dairesi, Farmakoloji ve Teknoloji Danışma Komisyonu ) bilimsel komisyon üyelikleri ve Farmakovijilans bilimsel danışma kurulu başkanlığı görevi yapmıştır. Marmara Üniversitesi Klinik İlaç Araştırmaları Etik Kurul üyeliği ve Kozmetik Klinik Araştırma Etik Kurul kurucularındandır. Ulusal dergilerin yanı sıra çok sayıda Uluslararası derginin editörüdür. Çok sayıda uluslararası ve ulusal yayın, kitap bölümü, SCI H indeksi 19’dur. Uluslararası ve Ulusal İlaç Güvenliliği kongrelerini ülkemizde gerçekleştirmiştir. Halk sağlığına yönelik uluslararası yayınları ve hizmetleri nedeniyle Uluslararası ve Ulusal ödüllere sahiptir. Çok sayıda Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora tezi yönetmiştir. Ülkemizde Toksikoloji Derneği ve Farmakovijilans Derneği kurucularındandır. Farmakovijilans Derneği Başkan yardımcısıdır. 2000 üzeri uluslararası sitasyon sahibidir.
Araştırma Alanları
- Risk Değerlendirme
- Farmakogenetik
- DNA Hasarı Tespit Yöntemleri Genotoksisite
- İlaç Metabolizması
- Kozmetik Ürünlerde Güvenlik Sınırı Tayini
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Farmasotik Toksikoloji
- The Long View on COVID-19 Theranostics and Oral Antivirals: Living with Endemic Disease and Lessons from Molnupiravir, 2022
- Considerations into pharmacogenomics of COVID-19 pharmacotherapy: Hope, hype and reality, 2022
- Thanatechnology and the Living Dead: New Concepts in Digital Transformation and Human-Computer Interaction., 2021
- Pharmacogenomics for Clinical Trials of COVID-19 Medicines: Why Is This Important Now?, 2021
- The hCOMET project: International database comparison of results with the comet assay in human biomonitoring. Baseline frequency of DNA damage and effect of main confounders, 2021
- Biomonitoring of Heavy Metal(oid)s in the Residents of Abandoned Mining District in Northern Cyprus, 2021
- Digging Deeper into Precision/Personalized Medicine: Cracking the Sugar Code, the Third Alphabet of Life, and Sociomateriality of the Cell, 2020
- It Is Time to Revitalize the Antibiotic Pipeline: Systems Ecology Can Help, 2020
- Challenge-comet assay, a functional and genomic biomarker for precision risk assessment and disease prevention among exposed workers, 2020
- DNA repair capacity of the colorectal cancer patients and the correlation between the pathological parameters., 2019
- Role of DNA repair genes XRCC3 and XRCC1 in predisposition to type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy, 2019
- Panvigilance: Integrating Biomarkers in Clinical Trials for Systems Pharmacovigilance, 2019
- Investigation of Genotoxicity Risk and DNA Repair Capacity in Breast Cancer Patients Using Anastrozole, 2018
- How Does Infection with Human Papillomavirus 16 and 18 Impact on DNA Damage and Repair in Cervical Cells and Peripheral Blood?, 2018
- To Genotype or Phenotype for Drug and Food Safety? Exiting the Technology Echo Chambers, 2018
- Asetilasyon polimorfizmi., 2018
- Evaluation of the wound healing potential of Aloe vera extract of Nerium oleander, 2017
- Investigation of Antioxidants’s Antimutagenic Effects by The Ames Test, 2017
- Personalized medicine beyond genomics alternative futures in big data proteomics environtome and the social proteome, 2017
- Melatonin ameliorates oxidative DNA damage and protects against formaldehyde-induced oxidative stress in rats, 2017
- Harnessing Knowledge on Very Important Pharmacogenes CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 Variation for Precision Medicine in Resource Limited Global Conflict Zones, 2016
- Pharmacovigilance Awareness among the Community Pharmacist and Pharmacy Students in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 2016
- The role of oxidative DNA damage and GSTM1 GSTT1 and hOGG1 gene polymorphisms in coronary artery disease risk, 2016
- A Code of Ethics for Ethicists What Would Pierre Bourdieu Say Do Not Misuse Social Capital in the Age of Consortia Ethics, 2015
- An Appeal to the Global Health Community for a Tripartite Innovation An Essential Diagnostics List Health in All Policies and See Through 21, 2015
- Translating biotechnology to knowledge based innovation peace and development Deploy a Science Peace Corps an open letter to world leaders, 2014
- Effects Of Using Sevoflurane With Nitrous Oxide And Remifentanil On DNA Damage, 2014
- A call for pharmacogenovigilance and rapid falsification in the age of big data why not first road test your biomarker, 2014
- Mutajenik-karsinojenik etkinin Ames Testi ile araştırılması., 2013
- Assessment of Individual Susceptibility to Baseline DNA and Cytogenetic Damage in a Healthy Turkish Population Evaluation with Lifestyle Factors, 2012
- Assessment of DNA Damage and Protective Role of Vitamin E Supplements after Exhaustive Exercise by Comet Assay in Athletes, 2011
- Kolorektal kanser tanısı konmuş olgularda ve birinci derece yakınlarında DNA hasarının araştırılması., 2011
- Reactive oxygen species ROS Generation in Sepsis, 2011
- A look at the Past History of Rimonabant, 2011
- The Assessment of Knowledge Attitude of Community Pharmacists Located inIstanbul towards New Pharmacovigilance Regulations, 2011
- Pharmacogenovigilance – An Idea whose Time has Come, 2010
- Linking Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacogenomics Pharmacogenovigilance An Idea whose Time has Come, 2010
- DNA Damage Glutathione and Total Antioxidant Capacity in Anesthesia Nurses, 2010
- The role of oxidative DNA damage DNA repair GSTM1 SOD2 and OGG1 polymorphisms in individual susceptibility to Barrett s esophagus, 2010
- Assessment of DNA damage in children exposed to indoor tobacco smoke, 2010
- Evaluation of DNA damage in construction site workers occupationally exposed to welding fumes and solvent based paints in Turkey, 2010
- Determination of DNA damage by alkaline halo and comet assay in patients under sevoflurane anesthesia, 2009
- Assessment of Genotoxic Damage in Nurses Occupationally Exposed to Anaesthetic Gases or Antineoplastic Drugs by the Comet Assay, 2009
- Personalized and Predictive Medicine in Turkey: A Symposium Report ofthe Istanbul Working Group on Personalized Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey,September 10-12, 2009, 2009
- Comparison of genotoxic effect between smokeless tobacco Maras powder users and cigarette smokers by the alkaline comet assay, 2009
- İlaç güvenliliği izleminde sağlık mesleği mensuplarının rolü., 2008
- Acil serviste yaşlı hastalarda kinolon kullanımı ve kinolonlara bağlı advers olayların değerlendirilmesi., 2008
- Vth International Conference on Environmental Mutagens in Human Populations: introduction., 2008
- Oxidative DNA damage and total antioxidant status in rats during experimental gram negative sepsis, 2008
- Baseline cytogenetic profiles of a healthy Turkish population by three test systems Comparison between assays, 2008
- Assessment of DNA damage in postmenopausal women under osteoporosis therapy, 2006
- Mercury exposure in dental practice, 2006
- The role of antioxidant supplementation in occupational exposure to waste anaesthetic gases, 2006
- Polymorphisms related to estrogen and xenobiotic metabolism in healthy Turkish women, 2005
- Assessment of DNA damage in postmenopausal women under hormone replacement therapy, 2005
- Assessment of abnormal DNA repair responses and genotoxic effects in lead exposed workers, 2005
- Genetic polymorphism of Manganase Superoxide Dismutase MnSOD and breast cancer susceptibility in case control study of Turkish population, 2005
- Diazepam and propofol used as anesthetics during open heart surgery do not cause chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood Iymphocytes, 2005
- Genotoxicity Tests and their Use in Occupational Toxicology as Biomarkers, 2005
- Detection of Oxidative DNA Damage in Lymphocytes of Patients with Alzheimer s disease, 2004
- Genoprotective role of vitamin E and selenium in rabbits anaesthetized with sevoflurane, 2004
- Assessment of DNA damage in glue sniffers by alkaline comet assay, 2004
- Mitochondrial DNA and Y Chromosome Variation in the caucasus, 2004
- Evaluation of DNA Damage in lymphocytes of cardiologists exposed to radiation during cardiac catheterization by the Comet assay, 2004
- N acetyltransferase NAT2 polymorphism and breast cancer susceptibility a lack of association in a case control study of Turkish population, 2004
- The Role of Antioxidants in Cancer Prevention and Treatment, 2003
- Assessment of Cytogenetic Aberrations and Comet Assay In Colorectal Adenocarcinomas, 2003
- title The Role of Triple Therapy, Age, Gender and Smoking on the Genotoxic Effects of iHelicobacter Pylori/i Infection/title, 2002
- Chromosomal aberrations under basal conditions and after treatment with X-ray in human lymphocytes as related to the GSTM1 genotype, 2002
- Assessment of DNA damage in women using oral contraceptives, 2002
- Cytochrome P450 CYP1B1 and catechol O methyltransferase COMT genetic polymorphisms and breast cancer susceptibility in a Turkish population, 2002
- Monitoring of buccal epithelial cells by alkaline comet assay single cell gel electrophoresis technique in cytogenetic evaluation of chlorhexidine, 2002
- Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) genetic polymorphism in a Turkish population., 2001
- Determination of coumarin metabolism in Turkish population, 2001
- Assessment of DNA strand breakage by comet assay in diabetic patients and the role of antioxidant supplementation, 2001
- Comparison of genotoxicity of sevoflurane and isoflurane in human lymphocytes studied in vivo using the comet assay, 2001
- Relationship between debrisoquine oxidation phenotype and susceptibilityto lung cancer, 2001
- Influence of GSTM1 genotype on comet assay and chromosome aberrations after induction by bleomcin in cultured human lymphocytes, 2000
- Detection of oxidative damage to DNA in diabetes mellitus by comet assay, 1999
- Biomonitoring workers exposed to genotoxic chemicals in small workplaces in Turkey In Human Monitoring after Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemical and Physical Agents, 1999
- Chromosomal aberrations and alkaline Comet assay in families with habitual abortion, 1998
- Use of alkaline Comet assay single cell gel electrophoresis technique to detect DNA damages in lymphocytes of operating room personnel occupationally exposed to anaesthetic gases, 1998
- DNA damage evaluated by the alkaline comet assay in lymphocytes of humans anaesthetized with isoflurane, 1998
- Evaluation of saturation index of lymphoma patients., 1997
- Evaluation of genotoxic potential of styrene in furniture workers using unsaturated polyester resins, 1997
- Genotoxicity studies on professional hair colorists exposed to oxidation hair dyes, 1997
- Microgel electrophoresis assay (Comet Test) for detecting DNA damage in individual cells., 1996
- Trimethylamine N oxidation in Turkish women with bacterial vaginosis, 1996
- Assessment Of Smokıng Induced Dna Damage In Lymphocytes Of Smokıng Mothers Of Newborn Infants Usıng The Alkalıne Sıngle Cell Gel Electrophoresıs Technıque, 1995
- Sister chromatid exchanges in epileptic patients on anticonvulsant therapy, 1994
- Mutagenic risk in psoriatic patients before and after 8 Methoxypsoralen and long wave ultraviolet radiation, 1994
- Sister chromatid exchanges in workers employed in car painting workshops, 1994
- Sister chromatid exchange studies for monitoring DNA damage in lymphocytes of Malignant Lymphoma Patients Under Cytostatic Theraphy, 1994
- Induction of micronuclei by diphenylhidantoin in mouse bone marrow cells., 1993
- N acetylation phenotyping with sulphametazine in an Iranian population, 1993
- The significance of sister chromatid exchange as indicator of occupational exposure., 1992
- Sister chromatid exchanges in operating room personnel, 1992
- Individual variation in the activation and inactivation metabolic pathways of cyclophosphamide, 1992
- Polymorphic urinary metabolite profile of cyclophosphic urinary metabolite profile of cyclophosphamde in Turkish patients, 1992
- Diet and cancer., 1991
- Increased frequency of sister chromatid exchanges in the peripheral lymphocytes of cigarette smokers, 1991
- Sister chromatid exchanges in lymphocytes of nurses handling antineoplastic drugs, 1991
- Analysis of the serum paraoxanase arylesterase polymorphism in a Turkish population, 1991
- Polymorphic 4 hydroxylation of debrisoquine in a Turkish population, 1991
- Sister chromatid exchange in furniture workers exposed to unsaturated polyester resins, 1991
- Clastogenecity test Sister chromatid exchange., 1990
- The relationship between plasma cholinesterase activity and malignant diseases., 1990
- Sister chromatid exchange in bladder cancer, 1990
- Polymorphic N acetylation capacity in breast cancer patients, 1990
- Sister chromatid exchanges in peripheral lymphocytes of urinary tract infection patients treated with nitrofurantoin, 1990
- Significance of serum ferritin concentrations in lung cancer and it s relation with cellular immunity, 1989
- Debrisoquine oxidation in a Turkish population., 1987
- Saç boyalarında kullanılan aromatik aminlerin (2, 4- diaminotoluen ve 2, 4-diaminoanisol) karsinojenik etkileri., 1986
- Determination of 2, 4- diaminotoluene in human urine., 1986
- N Acetyltransferase phenotype of patients with bladder cancer, 1986
- Acetylator phenotype in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, 1986
- High-performance liquid chromatography analysis of hair dye ingredients., 1985
- Türkiye’xxde üretilen saç boyalarında 2, 4-diaminotoluen ve 2, 4-diaminoanisol’xxün varlığının araştırılması., 1984
- Biological activities of broad bean Vicia faba L extracts cultivated in south anatolia in favism sensitive subjects, 1984
- Effects of vicine and convicine on human erythrocytes deficient in glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase, 1984
- Favism, 1983
- Destek Ürünlerin Akılcı Kullanımı ve güvenlik,
- Farmakovijilans,
- İlaç Güvenliği,
- Biyobenzer İlaçlarda Güvenlilik (Davetli Konuşmacı ve Moderator),
- Legislation in Cosmetics (Moderator),
- İlaç Güvenliliği,
- İlaç Güvenliliği,
- Determination of postmortem interval (PMI) in frozen rat liver and kidney tissues by alkaline comet assay., 2022
- Determination of the antioxidant activity of black, green and white tea on genotoxic damage induced Caenorhabditis elegans model., 2022
- Evaluation of incision wound healing activity of Scorzonera veratrifolia in Wistar albino rats, 2017
- Evaluation of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Sediments and Vegetables Obtained from Gemikonağı and Yenierenköy in Northern Cyprus, 2019
- Determination of Blood Heavy Metal Levels in the Residents of Gemikonagi and Tepebasi and Evaluation of Associated Genotoxic Effects, 2019
- DNA damage assessment by comet assay in workers exposed to welding fume metals, 2008
- Effects of Using Sevoflurane with Nitrous Oxide and Remifentanil on DNA Damage, 2017
- Linking Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacogenomics: Pharmacogenovigilance: An Idea whose Time has Come, 2010
- Comet Assay and Cytokinesis-Blocked Micronucleus Test for Monitoring The Genotoxic Effects of Narrowband UVB Treatment in Psoriasis Patients, 2010
- The Knowledge and Attitude of the Undergraduate Students in the Faculty of Pharmacy Towards Pharmacovigilance, 2010
- Risk Minimization Tools in Turkey Compared by EMA RMP and FDA REMS, 2012
- Individual Risk Management Plans are Needed for Confident Biosimilar Prescribing, 2014
- Assessment of the antioxidant activity of Nerium oleander, 2017
- DNA Repair Gene Polymorphisms and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus., 2017
- Investigation of genotoxicity risk in healthcare workers that has occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs, 2017
- Evaluation of cytotoxic and genotoxic effect of Scorzonera veratrifolia, 2017
- Evaluation of micronucleus frequency in buccal cells of smokers, 2017
- E-P06.50 - Evaluation of T241M Polymorphism of DNA repair gene XRCC3 and susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Nephropathy in Turkish population, 2017
- DNA Repair Gene Polymorphism and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus., 2017
- Evaluation of Nerium oleander by sensitive biomarkers of genotoxicity,
- Risk management plans for biosimilar drugs, 2016
- The wound healing effects of Nerium oleander extract against burn induced oxidative injury, 2016
- Antioxidant and in vitro wound healing activities of Scorzonera veratrifolia, 2016
- Is there a need for forensic pharmacovigilance as a specialisty, 2015
- Importance of pharmacogenetics in adverse drug reactions, 2015
- Pharmacovigilance in Drug Research and Development,
- Analysis and Comparison of Risk Management Tools,
- MedDRA Sistemi Ve Farmakovijilans Faaliyetlerindeki Uygulamaları,
- Pioglitazonun Klinik Kullanımındaki Kardiyovasküler Riskler Ve Mesane Kanseri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi,
- Side effect monitoring in clinical studies Biosimilars in the light of modern requirements,
- Clinical Trial Regution in Turkey,
- Safety in Clinical Trials Examining key considerations for Turkey and surrounding regions,
- Safety Concerns of Biosimilars in Turkey,
- The Study on the Frequency of Xenobiotic Metabolizing Enzyme Gene Polymorphisms CYP2C9 in a Turkish Population,
- Informatıon of Public Pharmacists in Given Districts of Istanbul About New Structuring of Drug Safety and Evaluation of Their Approach to Pharmacovigilanc,
- Evaluation of DNA Damage In Petrol Station Pumpers Occupatıonally Exposed to Petrol Volatile,
- Investıgatıon of Antıoxıdant s Antımutagenıc Effects by the Ames Test,
- Global Food Drug and Cosmetic regulatory differences and potential fornunification,
- Onkolojide klinik çalışmalar ve istatistik,
- Türkiye de yapılan klinik araştırmaların sayısal ve niteliksel olarak araştırılması,
- Farmakovijilans ve vijilans,
- İlaç Advers Etkileri,
- Genetik ve ilaç tedavisi,
- İlaçta Risk Yönetimi,
- Biyolojik Ürünlerde Güvenlilik,
- Biyoeşdeğerlik Biyoyararlanım kavramları,
- Pioglitazonun Güvenliliğinin Değerlendirilmesi Poster bildiri,
- Safety Studies on Nerium oleander,
- KKTC Eczacılık Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin TC ve KKTC Uyruklu İlaç Güvenliliği ve Farmakovijilans Hakkındaki Bilgi Düzeylerinin Değerlendirilmesi,
- KKTC Serbest Eczacılarının Advers Etki Bildirimi Ve Farmakovijilans Konusundaki Bilgi Düzeyinin Değerlendirilmesi,
- Risk Management Plans in Pharmacovigilance,
- Pharmacogenovigilance Potential Role of Pharmacogenomics in Reducing Adverse Drug Reactions,
- Zehirlenmeler Yeni Akıl Notları, ISBN: 978-975-277-786-6, 2019
- Klinik Araştırmalar Kitabı, ISBN: , 2014
- Klinik Araştırmalar Kitabı, ISBN: , 2010
- Acilde Klinik Toksikoloji Kitabı, Ed: Satar S, ISBN: , 2009
- Acilde Klinik Toksikoloji Kitabı, ISBN: , 2009
- Klinik Araştırmalar Kitabı., ISBN: , 2006
- Advances in DNA Damage and Repair Oxygen Radical Effects Cellular Protection and Biological Consequences, ISBN: , 1999
- Hizmet Ödülü, 2015
- Türkiye’nin “En İyi Bilim İnsanları” Ödülü , 2015
- Yayın ödülü, 2015
- yayın teşvik ödülü, 2014
- Yayın teşvik ödülü, 2008
- Yayın teşvik ödülü, 1996
- Altın Havan, 2019