Gazi Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi’nden 2002 yılında mezun olmasının ardından, aynı fakültenin Toksikoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda bilimsel kariyerine başladı. Yüksek lisansın ardından aynı bülümde başladığı doktorasının bir kısmını İtalya/Roma’da bulunan IRCCR San Raffaele Enstitüsünde (günümüzdeki adıyla San Raffaele Üniversitesi) tamamladı. Doktorasının ardından, 2014 yılında, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde bulunan National Institute of Standards and Technology kurumuna DNA hasarı ve onarımı üzerine araştırmalar yapmak üzere davet edildi. 2019 yılında, NIST ve University of Maryland’in ortak araştırma kurumu olan Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR) enstitüsünde biyoteknolojik ilaç geliştirme alanında araştırmalara başladı. 40’ın üzernde uluslararası yayını bulunan Dr. Coşkun, bu yayınlara 1000’in üzerinde atıf aldı. Türk Toksikoloji Derneği’nin aktif bir üyesi olan Dr. Coşkun, çok sayıda uluslararası toplantı organizasyonunda görev almakla birlikte çeşitli Avrupa Birliği ve uluslararası bilateral projeleri hazırlamış ve tamamlamıştır. Ulusal ve uluslararası ödülleri bulunan, son olarak da ABD’de çalıştığı kurumdan MML Postdoctoral Fellow ödülünü alan Dr. Coşkun, 2017 yılında doçent olmuş, 2018 yılında ise Avrupa Kayıtlı Toksikolog ünvanı almaya hak kazanmıştır. Dr. Coşkun ve çalışma arkadaşlarının Amerika’daki laboratuvarlarında geliştirdikleri Kütle Spektrometresine dayalı ölçüm metodları, DNA hasarının ve onarımının ölçümünde Dünya’da bu konudaki bilim otoritelerince Altın Standart olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Farmasotik Toksikoloji
- Recognition of DNA adducts by edited and unedited forms of DNA glycosylase NEIL1, 2020
- Measurement of Oxidatively Induced DNA Damage in iCaenorhabditis elegans/i with High-Salt DNA Extraction and Isotope-Dilution Mass Spectrometry/title, 2019
- Identification and quantification of DNA repair protein poly(ADP ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) in human tissues and cultured cells by liquid chromatography/isotope-dilution tandem mass spectrometry, 2019
- Characterization of rare NEIL1 variants found in East Asian populations, 2019
- Excision release of 5?hydroxycytosine oxidatively induced scpDNA/scp base lesions from the lung genome by cat dander extract challenge stimulates allergic airway inflammation/title, 2018
- Aflatoxin-Guanine DNA Adducts and Oxidatively Induced DNA Damage in Aflatoxin-Treated Mice iin Vivo/i as Measured by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Isotope Dilution/title, 2018
- Repair of oxidatively induced DNA damage by DNA glycosylases: Mechanisms of action, substrate specificities and excision kinetics, 2017
- Exposure to Engineered Nanomaterials: Impact on DNA Repair Pathways, 2017
- Biomarkers of oxidatively induced DNA damage in dreissenid mussels: A genotoxicity assessment tool for the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2017
- Can sevoflurane induce micronuclei formation in nasal epithelial cells of adult patients?, 2017
- Comparisons of the effects of the sevoflurane and propofol on acute ischemia reperfusion and DNA damages in rabbits, 2017
- Chapter Twelve Production Purification and Characterization of 15N Labeled DNA Repair Proteins as Internal Standards for Mass Spectrometric Measurements, 2016
- Combined Effects of High Dose Bisphenol A and Oxidizing Agent KBrO3 on Cellular Microenvironment Gene Expression and Chromatin Structure of Ku70 deficient Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts, 2016
- Bisphenol A Promotes Cell Survival Following Oxidative DNA Damage in Mouse Fibroblasts, 2015
- Addiction to MTH1 protein results in intense expression in human breast cancer tissue as measured by liquid chromatography isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry, 2015
- Extreme Expression of DNA Repair Protein Apurinic Apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1 APE1 in Human Breast Cancer As Measured by Liquid Chromatography and Isotope Dilution Tandem Mass Spectrometry, 2015
- Measurement of oxidatively induced DNA damage and its repair by mass spectrometric techniques, 2015
- Small Molecule Inhibitors of 8 Oxoguanine DNA Glycosylase 1 OGG1, 2015
- The comet assay as a tool for human biomonitoring studies The ComNet Project, 2014
- Comparison of Cryoprotective Effects of Lycopene and Cysteamine in Different Cryoprotectants on Bull Semen and Fertility Results, 2014
- Can linoleic acid improve the quality of frozen thawed bull sperm, 2014
- Could 8 oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1 Ser326Cys polymorphism be a biomarker of susceptibility in cancer, 2014
- Effects of different doses of trehalose supplementation in egg yolk extender in frozen thawed Angora buck semen, 2013
- Effects of various cryoprotectants on bull sperm quality DNA integrity and oxidative stress parameters, 2013
- Launch of the ComNet comet network project on the comet assay in human population studies during the International Comet Assay Workshop meeting in Kusadasi Turkey September 13 16 2011, 2012
- Determination of DNA damage after exposure to inhalation anesthetics in human peripheral lymphocytes and sperm cells in vitro by comet assay, 2012
- Assessment of Individual Susceptibility to Baseline DNA and Cytogenetic Damage in a Healthy Turkish Population Evaluation with Lifestyle Factors, 2012
- NanoLINEN Nanotoxicology Link Between India and European Nations, 2011
- Micronucleus frequencies in lymphocytes and buccal epithelial cells from patients having head and neck cancer and their first degree relatives, 2011
- The HUman MicroNucleus project on eXfoLiated buccal cells HUMNXL The role of life style host factors occupational exposures health status and assay protocol, 2011
- Increased micronucleus frequencies in surrogate and target cells from workers exposed to crystalline silica containing dust, 2010
- Genomic instability in quartz dust exposed rat lungs Is inflammation responsible, 2009
- ADRA2A polymorphism and smoking in a Turkish population, 2008
- Measurement of DNA Repair Proteins in Relation to Disease Biomarkers and Drug Development, 2015
- Identification and quantification of MTH1 in human tissues as a cancer biomarker, 2015
- In vivo genotoxicity of Quartz in rats and crystalline silica containing dust in workers,
- Identification and quantification of MTH1 in human tissues as a cancer biomarker, 2015
- Influence of XRCC1 Arg399Gln Polymorphism on Basal and Radiation Induced Micronucleus Frequencies in Head and Neck Cancer Patients and Their First Degree Relatives, 2006
- Basal and Radiation Induced Chromosomal Damage in First Degree Relatives of Head and Neck Cancer Patients,
- Micronucleus frequencies in surrogate and target tissues of workers exposed to crystalline silica containing dust,
- Assessment of the optimum dose for chromosomal radiosensitivity assay and induced micronucleus frequencies in head and neck cancer patients,
- Extreme Expressions of DNA Repair Proteins APE1 and MTH1 in Human Breast Cancer as Measured by Liquid Chromatography and Isotope Dilution Tandem Mass Spectrometry,
- Identification and quantification of MTH1 in human tissues by LC MS MS with isotope dilution,
- Measurement of human MTH1 protein by LC MS MS with isotope dilution,
- Effects of Various Cryoprotectants on Bull Sperm Quality DNA Integrity and Oxidative Stress Parameters,
- Effect of Nanoparticle Size on the Cytotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide on Neuronal Cells in Cell Culture,
- Evaluation of Genotoxicity in Infertile Male,
- Assessment of Titanium Dioxide Cytotoxicity on Neuronal Cells in Cell Culture,
- Effects of sevoflurane and propofol on acute ischemia reperfusion and DNA damage in rabbits 4AP2 2,
- Genetic instability in the peripheral lymphocytes and buccal cells of head and neck cancer patients and their first degree relatives influence of XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism,
- Genetic instability in the peripheral lymphocytes and buccal cells of head and neck cancer patients and their first degree relatives influence of XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism,
- Baseline cytogenetic profiles of healthy Turkish population by three test systems comparison between assays,
- Alpha 2A adrenergic receptor gene ADRA2A polymorphism in a Turkish population,
- OGG1 genetic polymorphism in workers exposed to crystalline silica containing dust is not associated with silicosis in exposed workers, 2008
- Deciduous teeth lead levels in children as a biomarker of environmental lead pollution, 2008
- Investigation of oxidative DNA damage in crystalline silica containing dust exposed workers,
- Micronucleus frequencies in exfoliated buccal cells of head and neck cancer patients and their first degree relatives,
- Micronucleus frequencies in exfoliated buccal cells of head and neck cancer patients and their first degree relatives, 2007
- Bleomycin induced chromosomal aberrations frequencies in a Turkish population,
- DNA effect biomarkers for crystalline silica containing dust exposed workers in Turkey,
- Assessment of the optimum dose for chromosomal radiosensitivity assay and induced micronucleus frequencies in head and neck cancer patients, 2006
- Influence of XRCC1 Arg399Gln Polymorphism on Basal and Radiation Induced Micronucleus Frequencies in Head and Neck Cancer Patients and Their First Degree Relatives, 2006
- In vivo lung genotoxicity of Quartz using the micronucleus assay,
- Does occupational exposure to crystalline silica containing dust induce cytokinesis blocked micronucleus frequency,
- The radiation induced frequencies of micronuclei and nucleoplasmic bridges in head and neck cancer patients and healthy subjects,
- The radiation induced frequencies of micronuclei in head and neck cancer patients and healthy subjects,
- Effect of glutathione S transferase GST polymorphisms on choromosomal aberrations and micronucleus frequencies in a Turkish population,
- Relationship between Male Reproductive System and Nanomaterials,
- Male Infertility and Genetic Factors,
- Androgen Receptor CAG n Repeat Lengths and Sperm Chromatin Integrity Possible Risk Factors For Male Infertility,
- Most Popular Cytogenetic Biomarkers,
- Toksikolojinin Temelleri, ISBN: 9786059215183, 2017
- casarett and doull s essentials of toxicology, ISBN: , 2016
- Butunlestirilmis Doktora Burs Programi, 2005
- 2219-Yurt Dışı Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Burs Programı , 2014
- International Scholarship Program, 2010
- Dr. Nejat Yazıcıoğlu İşçi SağlığıAraştırma Ödülü, 2010
- Best Collaborative Study Award , 2005
- Travel Award, 2015
- MML Postdoctoral Fellow Accolade, 2018