Faculty of Pharmacy

About Pharmacy

The duration of education is five years at Istinye University Faculty of Pharmacy. Faculty of Pharmacy has two programs, Pharmacy (Turkish) and Pharmacy (English). Education was structured to be fully compatible with "National Pharmaceutical Core Curriculum (NPCC, EczÇEP-2015)" that covers the “minimum” criteria required for faculties of pharmacy in Turkey continue their educational and training activities. As emphasized in the documents of EczÇEP, “the main purpose of education and training is to prepare people for life”. Professional training prepares the future professionals for the business life and gives the ability to do works for the benefit of the society they live. It is expected that a university graduate will be ready for professional life with knowledge and skills and will always lead the society. It should be the most important mission of universities to provide education that is close to the current sectoral elements and provide information that is appropriate to their needs. In this context, our faculty has adopted an "output-centered (qualifications planned at the end of the training) approach” during the creation of the curriculum. The aim of this program is to equip young people who prefer the pharmacy profession with current medicine and health information by using theoretical and practical applications and to train them as 'eight star pharmacists' who contribute to the society they live in. Another important objective is to ensure that graduates will be able to apply the qualifications required by a pharmacist at national and global level after graduation. The Expanded Education Program/Curriculum (EC, GEP) which consists of at least 70% NPCC has been prepared with a focus on the future roles and functions of the pharmacist and the aim of raising the pharmacists who will bring our country to a leading role in pharmacy in the world. EC/GEP also includes the differences of our faculty from other pharmacy faculties. In this context, evidence based practice is the most important premise. We aim, by using evidence based strategies, to raise pharmacists who use "evidence-based pharmacy principles" in the future.