Faculty Member, PhD
Abdullah Levent Alparslan
I completed my primary, secondary and high school education in Erzurum. I finished Ege University Faculty of Pharmacy. After my military obligation I directed a Tubitak industry Project with the collaboration of Ege University in Argefar. Meanwhile I started my master in the department of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics. My doctorate was in Pharmaceutical Technology. I worked both in Bioavailability and Bioequivalance studies, product development studies in Argefar and in faculty of pharmacy as researcher. After my postgraduate degree I established a factory in Tire Industrial Zone regarding to produce Burn, Wound and Health Care Products. I developed 13 biocidal products and three of them were very innovative for Turkiye. I got a patent for the thermoreversible burn gel. In 2014 I established the ELAA PHARM incorparated company own. Dr.UMAY is my brand which has herbal, natural, organic cosmetics consept. I worked in Şanlı İlaç in 2016 as the manager of all technical departments. I directed manufacturing, quality control, quality assurance, research development, logistic, licensing and medical supporting departments. We got GMP certificate to the factory to produce drugs. Then I transfered to Naturin Nutraceuticals as the factory manager. They intended to sell factory so I came to İstanbul to manage a new set up company which has nutraceutical products. Now I work as the owner of the ELAA PHARM company to consult the companies that working in medicine, cosmetics, medical devices and biocidals. I am also vice president of Cosmetic Manufacturers and Researchers Association. I was the Chairman of International Cosmetic Congresses.
Araştırma Alanları
- Transdermal İlaç Taşıyıcı Sistemler
- Traditional and Complementary Medicine
- Engineering in Medicine
- Pharmaceutical Care
Çalışma Alanları
- Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
- Farmasotik Teknoloji
- Analysis of Surgical Masks Adverse Effects on Facial Skin in Long Term Usage during COVID-19 Pandemic, 2024
- Antibacterial and anthelmintic effect of the combination of pomegranate peel and olive leaf extracts, 2023
- Thermoreversible Gel Formulation for the Intranasal Delivery of Salmon Calcitonin and Comparison Studies of In Vivo Bioavailability, 2023
- A Comprehensive Study on Peppermint Oil and Cinnamon Oil as Nanoemulsion: Preparation, Stability, Cytotoxicity, Antimicrobial, Antifungal, and Antioxidant Activity, 2023
- Sodium hyaluronate dry powder inhalation in combination with sodium cromoglycate prepared using optimized spray drying conditions, 2023
- Intranasal Comparısıon Of Thermoreversıble Salmon Calcıtonın Gel And Spray Form, 2022
- O/W microemulsion and hydrogel formulation of methotrexate and comparison of releasing studies, 2022
- Basic good manufacturing practices (GMP), special conditions and inspection processes in the Covid19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, 2022
- The Potential of Marine Resources in Cosmetics, 2018
- Kanser Tedavisinde Mikroemülsiyon ve Emülsiyonun Yerleri: In Vitro ve In Vivo Değerlendirme, 2009
- Electrochemical investigation of interaction between mitomycin C and DNA in a novel drug-delivery system, 2007
- Bitkisel Ürünlerde Etken Madde Taşıyıcı Sistemler,
- Bitkisel Sabit Yağların Fitoterapide Kullanımı,
- Innovation and Enterpreneurship of Pharmaceutical Products,
- Microemulsion and Liposomes in Cosmetics,
- Caenorhabditis elegans survival assay of French Beach Pine and Grape Seed Extracts under heat stress, 2021
- Modern Problems in Pharmacy,
- Caenorhabditis elegans survival assay in phytocosmetics,
- Markalaşma ve Eczacılıkta Inovasyon,
- Çağımızda Eczacılık ve İnovasyon,
- Phytocosmetic cellulite cream developed from plant cell with biotechnology, 2022
- Development of Thermoreversible Gel for Administration of Intranasal Salmon Calcitonin, 2022
- Innovative Herbal Extract Combination for Oral Spray with Antihelmentic and Antibacterial Effect, 2022
- Applications and Innovation in Health Sciences,
- Probiyotik Takviyelerin Farmasötik Teknoloji Açısından Değerlendirilmesi,
- Taylor Francis, ISBN: 9780429138195, 2008