Faculty of Pharmacy

Academic Members

Assoc. Prof. İnci Kayın

Assoc. Prof.
İnci Kayın

Eczacılıkta Analitik Kimya

After graduating from American Robert College in İstanbul, İnci Kayın started the undergraduate education in İstanbul University, Faculty of Pharmacy and received her PhD degree in the field of Analytical Chemistry in 1984. She further continued her research studies , adviced by Prof Dr Herbert Oelschlaeger at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University , Frankfurt in electrochemistry supported by DAAD (German Academician Exchange ) grant between years 1984-86. She then received associate professor title in 1988 again in the field of analytical chemistry and started working in the pharmaceutical industry. She founded Novo Nordisk and Fournier subsidiaries in Turkey and worked in sales and marketing as well as general management positions. She launched 25 products in the field of diabetes, gynaecology, hypertension, obesity, dermatology, and pain. She achieved the entry of recombinant DNA technology insulins and first insülin pen Novopen into the Turkish market together with the Novo Nordisk team. She received the “succesful business woman in chemistry “ award from Dünya newspaper in 2004. Between years 2008-2009 she served as the Assistant General Secretary for AİFD (Association of Research Based Pharmaceutical Companies ) and increased her experience in drug licencing, patenting, clinical studies and reimbursement. She has mainly focused on education and consulting starting by 2006 . İnci Kayın has been working as the Head of Analytical Chemistry Department at the Faculty of Pharmacy of İstinye University.since March 2018. She is married with one child. Her research interests include development of health products , health literacy and health communication

Araştırma Alanları

  • Qualitative Research
  • Chromatographic Analysis

Çalışma Alanları

  • Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı
  • Eczacılıkta Analitik Kimya
  • Trace element determination using mass spectrometry coupled detection methods, 2025
  • 65 Yaş Üstü Yalnız Yaşayan Hipertansiyon Hastalarının İlaç Kullanımına Uyuncu: Fenomenolojik Bir Çalışma Adherence to Medication in Hypertensive Patients Over 65 Years of Age Living Alone: A Phenomenological Study, 2024
  • Microwave‐assisted hydrothermal green synthesis of selenium nanoparticles incorporated with hyaluronic acid methacrylate/gelatin methacrylate hydrogels for wound healing applications, 2023
  • Cadmium determination at trace levels in lake water samples by cold vapor generation‑atomic absorption spectrometry after magnetic dispersive solid phase extraction, 2023
  • Pharmacist and child communication: A phenomenological multidisciplinary study from the perspectives of undergraduate students in pharmacy and child development, 2023
  • Investigation of the Relationship Between the Level of Health Literacy and Vaccine Hesitancy, 2022
  • Physically Disabled Adults In Turkey During The Covid-19 Outbreak: A Phenomenologic Research On The Experiences Of People with Spinal Cord Injury, 2021
  • Analyses of Drugs by Polarographic Methods, XXXI. Electroanalysis of Brotizolam 2-Brom-4-(2-chlorphenyl)-9-methyl-6H-thieno[3,2-f]-1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-a]-1,4-diazepin, 1988
  • Analytical investigations of cephalosporins part 6. comparative polarographical study of cefotiam and 7-[2 - methoxyimino-2-(2-amino-1,3-thiazol-4-yl) acetamido] substituted cephalosporins, 1988
  • Analytical investigations of cephalosporins part 10. comparative polarographical study of 3-[[(1-methyl-1h-tetrazole-5-yl) thio] methyl] substituted cephalosporins with cefazolin, 1988
  • Arzneimittelanalysen mittels polarographischer Methoden, XXXII: Ursachen der anomalen Stromspannungskurven des Quazepam [7-Chlor-5-(2-fluorphenyl)-1,3-dihydro-1-(2,2,2-trifluorethyl)-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-thion], 1988
  • Elektrochemisches Verhalten des Brotizolam[2-Brom-4-(2-chlorphenyl)-9-methyl-6H-thieno[3,2-f]- 1,2,4-triazolo[4,3-a]- 1,4-benzodiazepin], 1987
  • Analyses of Drugs by Polarographic Methods, XXVIII: Electroanalysis of Quazepam [7-Chloro-5-(2-fluorophenyl)-1.3-dihydro-1-(2.2.2-trifluoroethyl)-2H-1.4-benzodiazepine-2-thione], 1987
  • Analytical investigations of cephalosporins part 15. polarographical comparison of two 3-[aminocarbonyl) - oxy - methyl] substituted cephalosporins and the determination of cefoxtitin in pharmaceutical formulations, 1986
  • Analytical investigations on cephalosporins—IVApplication of Ellman’xxs reagent, 1986
  • In vivo determinations of selected cephalosporins by using Ellman’xxs reagent, 1985
  • Analytical investigations of cephalosporins. Part 9. Polarographic behaviour of some selected cephalosporins and assay of their formulations, 1985
  • Analytical investigations of cephalosporins — II. Polarographic behaviour of ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, cefotaxime and ceftizoxime and assay of their formulations, 1985
  • �ber das elektrochemische Verhalten (CRP, DPP) von Midazolam (Dormicum) und Gehaltsbestimmung seiner Arzneiformen, 1985
  • Application of a modified method to the determination of cephalosporins in pharmaceutical formulations by hydroxamic acid formation, 1984
  • Eczacı ile Çocuk İletişimi: Eczacılık ve Çocuk Gelişimi Lisans Öğrencilerinin Bakış Açısından Multidisipliner Bir Araştırma,
  • Yeşil Sentez Selenyum Nanopartiküller ile Yüklenmiş Hyaluronik Asit Metakrilat/Jelatin Metakrilat Hidrojellerin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve Yara İyileşmesine Etkisi, 2022
  • Kimya Dalında Başarılı İş Kadını, 2003