Faculty of Pharmacy

An Event was Organized for High School Students within the Scope of Spring Workshop for High School Students

On May 18, 2024, the Departments of Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, and Pharmaceutical Technology at the Faculty of Pharmacy organized an event for high school students as part of the "Spring Workshop for High School Students." During this event, Prof. Dr. Atilla Akdemir, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, briefly introduced "Computer-Aided Drug Discovery and Design." After this introduction, each student conducted a modeling study using the Flare Program on their computers. Following this, a "Plant Workshop" was conducted by Dr. Demet Akalgan Aklar, Head of the Pharmacognosy Department, and Dr. Meltem Güleç. In the final part of the event, Dr. Ece Özcan Bülbül, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, provided brief information about the department. The students then prepared a nasal spray according to the provided prescription. By the end of the day, the high school students had gained knowledge about the theoretical and practical education offered by the Faculty of Pharmacy.